Mushroom Hash

Mushroom hash is a classic end-of-the-week clear out dish.

Take a look in the cupboard and pull out old bags of crisps, stale bread and your old potatoes and turn them into a lovely, stodgy meal that will leave your housemates utterly dumbfounded.


From the fridge: Mushrooms, Asparagus, Cheese, Spinach, Eggs.

From the cupboard: Potatoes, Crisps, Onions.

Could add: Bacon, Sausages, Beef.


Chop the potatoes into bite size pieces and boil until soft.

Throw a good glug of oil into a pan and fry the onions until their brown.

Add mushrooms and asparagus and stir until soft. Add in the potatoes and form a volcano in the middle of the pan.

Drop a egg into the hole, crush the crisps in the bag and sprinkle over the top with a layer of cheese on top.

Grill until brown and serve.
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